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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Read this with deep thought.

‘Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself that I’m growing older, and will someday be old. Keep me form getting too talkative, particularly from the fatal habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Deliver me from the need to try and straighten everybody’s affairs. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me the wings to get to the point. I ask for the grace to listen to the tales of other’s pains but seal my lips when it comes to my own aches and pains, for they are increasing and my love for rehearsing them gets sweater as the years go by. I ask not for improved memory, but for growing humility and less cocksuckness, especially when my own memory seem to clash with that of others. Teach me that occasionally I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I don’t necessarily want to be a saint, some of them are hard to live with. But a sour old woman (or man) is only the growing work of the devil. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it. But thou knowest lord, I want a few friends at the end. So give me, I pray, the ability to see blessing in an expected trails and goodness in less than perfect people. And give me the grace to tell them so in Christ name, Amen
Courtesy GSAF.

It will work, if you take your time.

Saadi once said; be patient all things are difficult before they become easy. Albert Einstien also mentioned staying longer on problems and not supernatural powers for his academic prowess. These words by these two great men actually inspired me to hold with even more importance, the word patience. An unanimous person once said patience should be an exclusive right of the gods, because giving anyone using it a Midas touch. But, patience, even as interesting and attractive as it seems, its real life use is not as easy as it is to write on paper. Let’s take the take the case of Nelson Mandela as an example. This living legend has inspired millions of people, and millions other take him as a role model. But how many of these people, including myself, can withstand 27 years of imprisonment still staying intact? Even when he was offered bail on a condition that he deny what he stood for, He gallantly refused saying he was ready to die for it. Yes very few of us can withstand what he went through, but yet we all want to be legends like him. The truth is that nothing good comes easy. Patience and hers sisters; perseverance, courage, determination and faith are virtues which will definitely work to keep you ruling your world

Monday, July 14, 2008

Words On The Mable Vol 1

These quotes are select word of various great men.

(1) The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limit
Albert Einstien.
(2) The most important thing is not to stop questioning
Albert Einstien.
(3) There is nothing like necessary evil. For if it is really necessary, it cannot be evil and if it is evil it cannot be necessary.
(4) The great at anything don't set out to work because they are inspired but get inspired while working
Ernest Newman.
(5) People are not against you, they are merely for themselves
Gene Fowler.
(6) It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it
(7) Pleasure in job puts perfection to work
(8) The greatest mistake is not knowing how to utilize your mistakes
Odutayo Ayokunle.
(9) See everything, overlook a great deal,... improve those you can
Pope John.
(10) Get moving, if can't fly run, if can't run walk, if you can't walk crawl. By all mean keep moving
Dr Martin Luther Jnr.
(11) Have patience all things are difficult before the become easy

Read This If You Are Feeling Down.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and groung in dirt by decisions we make and circumstances that come our way.
We feel we are worthless, but, no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never loose your value, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased. You are still priceless to all who love you.
The worth of our lives come not in what we do, or who we know, but, who we are.
You are special don't forget it!!!

We Are All Created Equal, But...

Those who said all men are created equal might be anything else but wrong. Every humanbeing has unique skills which if efficiently harnessed will put him or her on level ground. The level groung actually translate to the common middleclass in reality, i.e a citizen with an immpressive bank account enjoying the goodlife. But a few minority of individuals have discovered the edge which sets them apart and places them in the rearified group of firstclass citizens.

This edge is blunty the knowledge you have which the next person lacks. Bill Gates discovered this truth in the field of computing, Warren Buffet used it with stocks, Albert Einstien used it in academics, while Oprah Winfrey used it in the media. These few minority of individuals are definitly lucky but we can also get as lucky as they are just by striving for knowledge.

Whether or not we accept it Oprah Winfrey know something that you and i doesn't and this is what makes her better than us in what she does. So lets all change our contrary perception and srive for knowledge

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My honest opinion

Ideas of today are the reality of tomorrow. He who fails to think fails to move. Show me something that is impossible and i'll show you something that has not been done enough.